Monday 11 August 2008

Was today the longest day ever?

Or was that just me? By 10:30am this morning I had been for blood tests for me, been to the doctor twice for James, being peed on at least 5 times, screamed more times than that and done my days shopping. I then had to go back to the doctors office for a third time to pick up a script.

James hardly slept last night, he kept waking up screaming all the time, 7am this morning we worked out that every time he would wee he would scream. His winky was also a bit swollen and a purple pink colour. I could only get a doctors appointment at 4:20pm, but I was having groceries delivered between 3pm and 5pm, and I needed the groceries. I went to the doctors office to try and beg for an earlier appointment, but the one doc was off sick, so they were short staffed. The receptionist gave me a pot to get a wee sample and bring it back for the nurse to test. So, I went home and after many tries I finally got a wee sample and took it back to get it tested. Then I had bloods done at a different venue (nothing serious), and decided to go and get everything I need for supper that was not on order. At about 11:45am the receptionist phoned to say that they had found he has an infection and I need to collect a script for antibiotics. I also have a 9am appointment for James tomorrow morning. They also found that he was dehydrated. I went back to the High Street and got the medicine, I also bought James a new cup (his third cup) to try and encourage him to drink more. At home I had a cup with water, a cup with diluted juice and a bottle with rooibos tea and juice mixed together (something I swore I would never do).

James is still screaming, even though I am giving him paracetamol often, his winky is still swollen and pinky purple, but I am giving him the antibiotics. He is drinking lots of fluids and even though he refuses to eat much we keep trying to feed him yoghurt. We also got him his favourite dinner - Ella's Kitchen - Sweet Potato, Pumpkin, Blueberries and Apples, and thankfully he ate that.

He also still has spots on his tummy and back, even has some on his legs now, but they not chicken pox yet, but are getting bigger than the rash spots that he had..... but only time will tell.


Emily said...

Oh no! ... I hope everyone is doing better on all sides. I also hope you get some time for yourself after all of that - I can imagine it's very draining.

Hang in there Janine! I'm thinking of you and wishing for wellness.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby James!

I hope you are both feeling better today.