Sunday 31 August 2008

I don't like NHS Direct!

It is now 12:39am and I know that I still have a long night ahead of me. James has a temperature of 39.4 C, and it just keeps climbing. Tepid water clothes and paracetamol just don't seem to bring his fever down. He has been in his nappy and vest since 2pm this afternoon when I first discovered that he had a temperature of 37.5 C. I am too scared to go and sleep in case James starts having convulsions, he has never had a temp this high before. I am busy freaking out, but trying not to show it, I am just happy when he is awake. He woke up this morning constipated and has been trying to poo all day, evenually at about 4pm he managed, but it was all runny and mucousy. He also has a slight cold that is making his breathing horrible, he sounds very asthmatic. At about 8:30pm I phoned NHS direct because his temp had risen to 38.2 C and I was worried, he has also been very drowsy all day, and goes flopsy every now and then. Well they made me feel like a complete idiot, a silly first time mom and told me that it sounded like he was teething, but would get the local emergency doctor to phone me. I know what my child is like when he is teething, we have lived through 2 teeth already!!! There is something wrong! The doctor then phoned me and said that his temp was not too bad and by the sounds of things he might be getting an upper resporary tract infection because he is blocked up as well. I don't know. I think he is constipated because we are trying to get him to take a formula bottle a day for when he goes to nursery in November, so since Tuesday we have been trying a differant brand every day. SMA white seems to be the winner. We never tried any formula today, in fact he has gone off his solids, not even interested in his Ella's Kitchen, so I am just giving him drinks of water and sips of pure apple juice. He is also breastfeeding when ever he wants.

I have sent Gareth to bed, as one of us has to be awake in the morning and we have set up a bed in the lounge for James and I, so I can watch TV and play on the laptop. The only problem with watching TV this time of the day? Its all about SEX!!!!


Unknown said...

i like......

Jelena and Mark said...

Oh poor thing! That high a temperature must be scary (we've been there) but our doctor told us that babies handle those temperatures much better than adults and only to start worrying if it goes above 40C. Good luck and I hope he gets better soon!