Monday 23 June 2008

Why Oh Why?

We have started Controlled Crying with James. For those of you that don't know what that is, it is a 'sleep programme' to train your baby to sleep through the night. You have to put your baby in the cot awake and when he cries you go to cot and comfort him, but don't take him out. You delay the intervals inbetween going back to the cot. You first go after 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, then 15 minutes, etc. You do the same thing through out the night, and I have been warned that babies can cry for up to 2 hours. And you should only do this with a baby 6 months or older. Well, tonight is night 3 for us, and I need to ask why oh why have we decided to do this. Yes, James refuses to sleep in his cot and yes, he is waking up at least 3 times a night for food, but is all the crying worth it? I think that at the moment I feel like the most awful mom in the world, almost like I am making him cry on purpose, but in the end it will be worth it hopefully. I know that if I stop this sleep programme now then the last few nights tears are just going to be a wasted and I will have been an awful mom. I know that having James sleep from 8pm to 7am again will be worth it. I know that James sleeping in his cot again and not in our bed will be worth it.

This morning James woke up at 8am instead of 9:30am, and this made all the differance to our day. That 1 hour 30 minutes allowed me to do more housework than I have been able to do in months, so him sleeping in his cot is worth it. I would have done more, but I seem to have caught some sort of tummy bug and that delayed things.

Oh well, heres to another night of crying.........

(although it should only last a week and the first 2/3 nights are suppose to be the worst)

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