Thursday 19 June 2008

Whats in a year?

19 June 2007 seems like a lifetime ago, but at the same time it feels like the last year has flown, and we are now just differant people. A year ago today, Gareth and I landed in the UK. We knew what we wanted, but didn't know what to expect. We were moving here without actually ever being here before. We had no idea what Bournemouth or the UK were about except from what people had told us. We had no idea where we were going to live or work. We were still childless and had no idea how much our lives were about to change. On our first day we went and stayed with Gareth's sister in her studio flat. We stayed there for exactly a month and then found our great flat, and have stayed here since. We both found jobs at the same Insurance company. Gareth in the finance department and me in the household claims department. We knew that we we were pregnant when we arrived, so we found our doctor and midwife. We got our NI numbers and our NHS numbers, and started life here.
19 June 2008 - We are now parents and love living in the UK. I am not working at the insurance company as I am still looking after my baby, Gareth is still working there. I have a whole new group of wonderful friends with their babies. Gareth's sister is living with us temporarily.

We have not been home in the last year, although my Aunt and Uncle, my mom, stepdad and sisters, my best friend Bicara and Gareth's parents have all been to stay with us. We really do miss home sometimes, especially on Tuesday that past, Gareth and I had plane tickets booked and paid for that we lost as we don't have a passport for James yet.

Sorry I know that this post is all over the place, but that is how my brain is working today.......

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