Friday 6 June 2008

Opposite of homesick?

I get homesick quite often and I wonder to myself, have we made a mistake moving away from South Africa? Away from home? Are we being fair? To us? To James? What makes us want to leave our family, friends and beautiful country? Is this really a better life for us?
I keep hearing from people at home how bad life has become. Its really starting to get depressing. Everybody seems to struggling to make ends meet. Prices of things are increasing all the time, the interest rate is going up another 2%, making it 17%!. Most people are putting their houses on the market as they can't afford the mortgage. Most people are looking for other jobs that are paying more. Gone are the days of just giving up luxuaries to help make ends meet, people are starting to give up their standard of living to help make ends meet. Young married couples are moving back in with their parents, as they can't afford to live by themselves. Businesses are closing down as they can't afford to stay open. There are no buyers for the houses, there are no jobs for the people. There are constantly power cuts as the only electric supply company in the country keeps crashing. They are living in fear with the crime rate increasing all the time. People have gone mad and South Africa is going through a Xenophobia crisis.
When I hear all of this, I almost feel guilty. Gareth and I made the decision in 2005 to leave SA. We first went to America and then we moved to the UK. We now rent a nice 2 bedroom flat in a nice town, are debt free and basically have a decent life. I am a stay at home mom and Gareth works for an insurance company. We have a gorgeous little boy, and a happy home life. I am not saying that we don't have troubles and we certainly are not rich, or even comfortable. But, we are not giving up our standard of living in order to survive. We do still live month to month, but we are not having sleepless nights wondering how to pay our bills. We not living our lives in fear of crime.
So, that makes me wonder, what is the opposite of homesick? Its when we realise that we are being fair to us and to James. We are making a better life for us and for James, and even though its hard being so far away from family and friends, in the long run we are doing whats best. So, what do you call that?
(Here are photos from South Africa - all taken by Gareth or myself)


Anonymous said...

I call it living. :)

Anonymous said...

SA is indeed a beautiful country, and looking at these pictures makes one feel very very home sick Im sure.

I think its called balance and a balanced life is a better one.


Anonymous said...

after ten years in the UK...Cape town is the bomb...never going to live in the UK ever ever again

Celine said...

Janine I hear you - Ive only been away a month but the ladt few month were hellish. We dont realise how different it is.

The week before I left SA my digital cam was stolen and that was the cherry on top for me, I called my hubby and cried - his response? Thats why we're leaving SA, now just get here!

I miss my friends like crazy but I dont miss the lifestyle we had.