Friday, 20 November 2009

A little moan

I love my son and I love him just the way that he is. In my eyes he is perfect even when he is having an off day or an off moment. Yes, I am aware that he has moments and that they need to be dealt with, I don't think that he is always an Angel and I would not ignore him pouring grape juice over anyone (as I recently read about on a travel forum) or doing anything like that, in fact I am usually very aware of his behaviour and do try and curve unruly behaviour before it can occur, but this is not what my moan about.

My moan is the fact that there are other mom's out there that feel that it is their responsibilty to point out to me how small, or diddy as they put it, James is. Yes, I am aware that James is small for his age. Yes, I am very aware that when I dress him in the morning that most of his clothes are 6-12 months. Yes, I am aware that he only weighs 21 lbs (or 9.6kgs) and that he is 23 months old. Yes, I am aware that he still wears size 4 feet. Yes, I am aware that he is only on the second centile in his red book. And yes, I am aware that he was a big newborn at 8lbs (3.63kgs).

But I am also aware that he is happy and healthy. And I am also aware that the pediatrician thinks that there is nothing wrong with James, she thinks that he was born big and is growing into his natural size. And yes, I am also aware that Gareth is 6ft 1 and only weighs about 159lbs (or 72kgs) and that my sister (who is only about 5ft on a good day in very high heels) only weighs about 99lbs (45kgs) and thats when she is having a fat day and that my grandfather is 6ft something and weighs less than Gareth, so yes, it is in James' genes to be small.

So next time a mom says to me "Your son is so cute, how old is he?" And I say "23 months" and they go "His um, well, um, very diddy, isn't he?", please beware that I am aware and that I can't change it and love him as he is and I would prefer you to focus on your own child and leave mine alone...... because one day I am not going to smile and say "yes, I know", I am instead going to loose it, and then its not going to be such a pretty picture, because trust me I don't loose it often but when I do there is usually the need for health professionals and lots of medication, and really I don't feel like going through that again. And the only reason that I feel that I need to moan about this is not because its been a handful of moms that have commented on this, but its about every second new mother that I meet, so basically I get told this at least 2-3 times a week, times that by 52 weeks in a year for almost 1.5 years and see how you feel.

(*And just for the record - he is advanced in almost every other way)


andrea said...

Aw, don't let it get to you! Finn is only 21 lbs at 21 months and I totally feel for you, but if he is healthy then that is all that matters!

Jelena and Mark said...

I agree, don't let it get to you, some people just like to give (negative) comments. If it weren't the weight there would be something else. I've also gotten looks like Una is a freak because her height is that of an average 3+ year old dutchie (and they are tall). Mark is 198cm (his sister is only a few cm shorter) and I am also not short with my 177 so it really is not all that shocking that she is tall.
And if it is not her height than it is concerned looks because we are raising her trilingually or because.. There is always something. As long as James is happy and healthy who cares what they think.

Vegemite Wife said...

Well, I've met him and I just thought he was gorgeous! I'm no mum, so I had no clue how 'big' he was meant to be!
You're a cracking mum, don't let them get to you.

Anonymous said...

I would be so annoyed if people kept saying things like that to me about William. (Well, they do, but in another way: 'oh, he's so big'.) People just need to say something about a baby/child I suppose, but sometimes they forget that some comments can be rather rude.... James is gorgeous though! Kimberly

Fun Mama - Deanna said...

I get that a lot! My daughter was a very small baby, and she was only 15 lbs at 16 months. At age 2, she was just 23 lbs. She's now 3 and just hit 26 lbs. I'm so over people telling me that she's small. Um, look at her Mama! I'm only 5 feet tall. What do they want?