Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Potty Training Day One

Accidents on Floor 7
Wee's in the Potty 4

Yesterday I started potty training James. I am using a version of Gina Ford's method*. I have taken away all nappies, except for the sleep time ones and put him straight into underpants (big boy pants). We have a potty in the lounge and the bathroom. And we have a sticker chart, for every 5 stickers he gets a treat (jelly tots/milky bar/ice cream/raisins), and to earn a sticker he needs to wee or poo on the potty.

I think yesterday went a lot better than I expected as I was just hoping for 1, max 2 wee's on the potty and we got 4. And when I put him down for nap, I put a nappy on him and I expected that to be quite wet when he woke up from his hour and half nap, instead it was bone dry, I don't think that he made even one wee in it.

So wish us luck for today, he has already being asking for a nappy and we have had 2 accidents on the floor, but I am still going to try.

* I say a version, because I read her book in October and then returned it to the library. This is what I remember.

1 comment:

Vegemite Wife said...

Congrats!! Sounds like he is going to be a complete pro!