Monday 28 July 2008

Now the Trouble starts....

So, today like every other day, while I make up our bed I put James into his cot to play with his teddies, but today was different. Normally if I take too long he starts to scream and lately he has taken to head butting the end of the cot as he tries to crawl further, but not today. Today as I came around the turn there was this little, proud face smiling at me. He was standing in his cot, holding onto the side. James had managed to pull himself up into a standing position and was very proud of himself, as was I. I wanted to see him do it, so I put him back into his cot after a congratulations cuddle and watched how he pulled himself back up. But, when it came time to show his Daddy, he couldn't do it..... Babies always making you out to be a
So now, I think the trouble starts..... how long do I have until he starts walking?


Jelena and Mark said...

Woo hoo! Well done James! And for Mommy and Daddy - your lives will never be the same again ;).
Every baby is different of course but I would say you have 2-3 months before he starts cruising and walking.

Anonymous said...

I'm so impressed you make the bed everyday!

I have no idea, but congratulations James!