Thursday 31 July 2008

No one wants to play

On Tuesday James and I saw Tara and Bebe, and while we were sitting at the coffee shop Bebe (she is 11 months old) started coming out with spots, looked like flea bites. During this time Bebe drank from James cup and then James drank too. She also played with his toys and being a baby she put them in her mouth. It turns out those spots were the Chicken Pox, so there is a good chance that James will develop them too. But now, before we see any of his friends I am prewarning mom that he could be carrying the Chicken Pox bug and tell them why.... the result? Everyone has cancelled our playdates.... oh well, we will just have fun playdates just the 3 of us at home.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Milo was a little bit older I'd run down and rub him all over James. I'd rather get it over and done with while I can just put socks on his hands to stop him scratching!