Tuesday 15 June 2010

More News to Follow.....

Good News - the Dermatology Nurse is expected to be here within the next hour

Bad News - the GP changed one of James' creams yesterday and he reacted to it, which means that it started burning him and he started screaming. Thats the third cream that has done this. He also has an antibiotic cream as some parts of his eczema are infected again.

*Most GP's only get an hours training on skin care, my GP however only works at the GP practise one day a week because the rest of the week she works at the skin clinic. She specialises in dermatology. The only reason she has referred us now is because she does not have the resources to teach me how to do the wet wraps at the GP practise.

1 comment:

Vegemite Wife said...

I had severe eczema as a child/young adult as well. I feel his frustration (and yours). I couldn't even sit on grass and I am still nervous about woollen things since the fibres itched me so bad I scratched til I bled regularly.
Diprosone OV is the only oily cream that has ever worked, but what works is different for everyone. I hope you find what works for James soon. It took me 10 years to get it right. Keep your chin up.