Wednesday 17 February 2010

Me, Me, Me.

There are so many things that I think about and think that I will blog about, but then when I actually sit down at the computer with the time to blog I tend to draw a blank. So, I thought tonight instead of blogging about James (which is normally the first thing that springs to mind), I will update you about me. Do you remember this post - 'Where to start?'?

Well, I have since been for many, many. many more blood tests, a MRI, an Ultrasound and X-Rays. My liver has gone back to normal, but my calcuim levels are dropping. They have been dropping since they started the blood tests and they have now dropped below the 'normal range', so my consultant investigated further. He has since discovered that my Vitamin D levels are very, very low. This doctor does not sugar coat things and told me on Monday that my Vit D levels are way out of the normal range, and very, very low. And he can't understand what is causing it. I eat a fairly balanced diet (maybe a bit too much chocolate in there, but I still eat protein, dairy and my 5 a day everyday), I take a multivitamin that has my 100% RDA of Vitamin D in it, and anytime there is sunshine I go outside, so I should be getting enough Vitamin D. Human's also normally have enough Vitamin D in their bodies to last 2-3 years. I need the vitamin D to be able to absorb calcuim, and that is why my calcuim levels are dropping. So, to sum that up, my body is not absorbing vitamin D, and therefore my calcuim levels are dropping.

To find out what is wrong I am going into hospital on Tuesday for a gastrocopy so that they can take a biopsy of my small bowel as my Doctor suspects that I may have a bowel disease. And although that may sound scary (ok, it does sound scary to me), I am almost happy that they found something wrong with me. I am always tired, and I mean drained tired. Its always an effort to do anything. And being so tired you would think that I would be able to sleep at night, but I can't because my hips hurt. They have hurt for months, I can't lie on my side for more than 10 minutes at a time and then I need to roll over, and I can't lie on my back because of my blood pressure (its high) and I struggle sleeping on my tummy because, well, my boobs are too big. The bones in my legs hurt too, and they have for ages. Some days I need to stay in bed a little longer as my bones hurt. I have complained about this to the GP before and they told me to rub deep heat on it. Um, Doc, its my bones and not my muscles that hurt, there is a differance. About a year ago when I complained that I am tired all the time, my GP tested my iron levels (they are low) and my thyroid, and told me that they could not find a reason for me being so tired, thus I thought it was just me imagining it. Well, I found this article on and it listed back, hip and leg pain as a sympton of Vitamin D, and my consultant told me that this could definately be causing me to be tired. So, yes they found something wrong, but at least it can be fixed. Kind of.

The plan of action now is to see what is causing my body not to absorb Vitamin D, and then treat that and put me on Vitamin D tablets. The doctor says that if they don't find the cause then they will just treat the defieciency for now, and then just run more tests later.

So thats me for now. Watch this space, I am sure I will update later about this, although not Tuesday because they are sedating me, and for 24 hours after that I may not be left alone with myself or James so Gareth has to take time off work and stay home with us. Yay.


Anonymous said...

Oh Janine, I am so sorry you've been having all of these issues. I hope Tuesday goes as well as can be expected and they can figure out exactly what is going on. xxx

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear this, Janine. I'll be thinking of you and hoping for good news.

Jelena and Mark said...

Sorry you have to go through all of that but at least it looks like they are on the right track to identify what is wrong and then fix it. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow! x

Caitlin said...

Wow, I had no idea you were going through all this. I'm thinking of you and hoping you get some relief soon!