Monday 15 February 2010

.... and she returns

Sorry for the delay in answering the questions, but between the activities, James getting sick, Gareth getting Man Flu and me being lazy, there just was not time to blog.
Thank you to those of you that asked questions, and here are your answers:
Vegemite Wife asked Does James have a South African accent at all?
Um no.... he even says Mummy and not Mommy.
Fun Mama asked do you find the culture in South Africa very different from the culture in the UK? In what ways? I hope my question isn't too dorky! (And I really hope that "dorky" doesn't mean something different to you!)
First of all, dorky does mean the same to me, and I never thought your question was dorky.
The culture in some ways are very differant, we do not go around spitting anywhere we like, I am not even sure if we spit. The Brits spit everywhere, its all over the side walks, it is gross. We braai (BBQ) at any given chance, I have been to a few British BBQ's, but in the Summer time we braai at least 5/7 days a week, and the other 2 days we probably picnic instead. I have not discovered a British person that eats outside as much. In South Africa we don't get family pubs, here that is the norm. You even get pubs with play area's for the kids. The Government here seem to take better of the people, in South Africa, its more sink or swim. But, then the people here expect to be taken care of by the Government, they feel that it is their given right, whereas all we ever expect the SA Government to do is steal from us and corrupt the system.
I know that there are more cultural differances, but James is refusing to go sleep and I can't think...
Jelena asked how do you survive the climate in the UK after having lived in sunny SA?
We have our heating on really high, and on all the time..... well, not quite. We just make the most of the non raining, non icy days and make sure we go outdoors on those days. Two weeks ago it was cold out, but the sun was shining so we went to Christchurch Quay and had a picnic, while we were dressed in 4-5 layers with hats, scarves and gloves on.... the British people looked at us as if we were mad, but we made the most of the day. We also embrace the hot chocolate, movie, cuddle under a blanket days.

I hope that answers your questions for now.

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