As some of you know, James and I are hostages at home this week. James may not leave the house as he has German Measles, otherwise known as Rubella. We saw the doctor on Sunday and he said that the only treatment for German Measles is to rest, and paracetamol if the temperature gets too high. Well, have you ever asked a 2 year old to rest, its one of lifes jokes. I have been playing DVD's that he likes and trying to do some quiet activities like puzzles and read books. Unfortunately my son wants to run around and kick a ball and go bounce on the bed. Yes, he is sick, but he is two and that means that he takes extra long naps, but still has energy, but it also means that he screams at me a lot more and even the smallest of things will make him cry. Any suggestions on how to keep him rested will be well received.
This afternoon we build Monsters with his Megabloks.
This is the Monster that we built together
And this is a video of James wanting to build a Monster while I held my camera phone, that is why the quality is not great.
On tomorrow's agenda are drawing and playdough.