Sunday, 20 April 2008

We're Back!!!!

We have spent the last week in Liverpool with Gareth's Aunt and Uncle. It was nice, and we were really comfortable. BUT, my inlaws are driving me MAD!!!! They, well, Mother Inlaw keeps trying to give James solids, and he is only 17 weeks old. He is not showing signs of being ready yet. I want to keep him on exclusively breastfeeding until he is 6 months old, hopefully. Studies show that the later you can leave it the less chance they have of having excema, asthma or allergies, and James already has excema. I have now made a rule that James may not be left alone with his grandparents as Gareth told me that his mom tried to give James Szechuan sauce while I was out of the room and he had to stop her. They also wanted to give him mash potato with GRAVY!!!!!! A child under a year old may not have any food with added sugar or salt. They are now making me feel like a bad parent that James is not eating food, but I know what is best for my child. His mom also wants to hold James all the time, fine I understand, she is only here for a month, but the reason he keeps screaming is that he does not want to be held all the time, and sometimes when he does want to be held is by his mommy or his daddy. She also comes and stands behind me when I am trying to put James to sleep, and starts singing with me, but then sings different words to the tune, and tries to hold his hand..... AAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Ok, thats me finished venting tonight........ nightie night.....

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Chicken Pox?

The chicken pox is going around and 3 of my friends children have them. Its the same kids that James has been hanging out with for the last 3 weeks, so now I am watching him like a hawk. My mom has told that it is probably better if he gets them now, because he will have it very mildly, but still he is only 16 weeks old, shame. But, if he does get the Chicken Pox then I am going to sew his scratch mitts onto his baby gro. I really don't want him to get them now though, because his Grandparents (my inlaws) are here for a month and they arrived on Wednesday night. I want him to be on his best behaviour for them. We are also suppose to be going away with them next week up to Merseyside to visit Gareth's aunt and introduce James, so I really don't want to him to be sick..... oh well.
So all I can say for now is..... Austin, Finn and Stevie, I hope that you all feel better soon...

Saturday, 5 April 2008

I really dislike growth spurts....

I just have to share this..... I really dislike James having a growth spurt. My darling son who was sleeping from 9pm to 7am is now waking up at least twice a night... and feeding sooooo much I am almost struggling to keep up. He is taking 45 minute feeds with an hour break in between. I stood in the shop for about 15 minutes today trying to decide what Formula to buy, only to decide and then put it back on the shelf. I just have to keep reminding myself that the 3 month growth spurt only lasts about a week, so I only have a few days left of it, and then we should be back to normal. I would say that I hate growth spurts, but I don't like the word hate, as I always told my baby sister, there is no such thing as hate, you can really dislike something, but not hate. So, I really dislike growth spurts........

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

This was our day today....

I sat in my Bumbo Seat and watched TV, while Mommy ate her breakfast

We went to Breast Friends (a Mommy and Me group) and there I I saw my friend Isla, she is 3 weeks younger than me, and just to show what a Ladies Man I am, I decided to hold her hand.

Mommy decided that I played with the girls enough and put me in the ring to play...

I, then, slept in my pram

While Mommy had Coffee with the other Mommy's.......

We then decided to go home.......