Friday 5 December 2008

Video: James 'Eating'

Here is a video of what happens when we let James feed himself. The video is 3 minutes long and I do apologise for the sound of my voice (and the Top Gear background). You can expect lots more videos in the future, as the charger for my video camera arrived from South Africa this week, so my son has now become a movie star!


Jelena and Mark said...

So cute how he concentrates so hard to get something on the spoon! He is adorable and getting so big!

Abby said...

I love your accent!

Milo laughed whenever James made a noise :)

Anonymous said...

Too funny when he decides to feed his buddy! Good job, James!

By the way, I tagged you!

Emily said...

Even if he didn't eat any at least he's artistic - and adorable.

I could never read your blog after you made it private. I'm glad it's back!